Your cookstove experiences problems at the most inconvenient times. Of course, if you use your stove or oven frequently and they stop working it is a problem, but if the problem occurs when you are preparing for a holiday meal or family dinner or if you are running a catering business or restaurant, you can’t stand much downtime. For those reasons, you want an appliance repair company you can count on for quality stovetop repair and oven repair.
Keeping your cookstove clean can help with maintenance issues while also make your stove much more presentable and easier to use. As an example, if you have a glass-top cookstove, you should know the best cleaning tips so you can make sure it stays looking its best. Glass-top stoves are beautiful, but they are a challenge to keep clean. Here are a few tips to keep your glass-top stove looking its best.
Taking Care of Your Glass-Top Stove
Be careful with the pots and pans you use on your stove. Don’t use pots and pans made from cast iron, stoneware, ceramic, or glass on a glass-top stove. Don’t set aluminum foil or aluminum pans on your stovetop because they can cause serious scratching.
Be careful choosing a cleaning agent. While you should keep a safe, specialty cleaner for glass stovetops that doesn’t contain abrasive ingredients, you might want to look to some old traditional standards as well. Distilled vinegar and lemon juice can wipe away stubborn stains caused by foods. After the glass top has cooled, use a sponge with water to wipe it off. You can pour some baking soda straight on the range and let it set then wipe it off with a damp cloth. There are plenty of ways to clean your stovetop.
There is a debate about whether removing food stains that are tough and grungy with a sharp scraper or razor is the right way to go. Some people argue that if you proceed cautiously and it is a serious stain, using a sharp object is the right way to go. Others will argue that a glass-top stove is too fragile to be scraped with a sharp object. Many appliance manufacturers recommend that you purchase a special appliance scraper that comes with soft pads for cleaning and stove-top cleaner.
When You Need Repairs
When you find yourself needing stovetop repair or oven repair, you can count on the experienced team at All Brand Appliance Repair. Contact one of our experienced, licensed, and insured technicians today by calling (850) 696-2559.